Medicine & Liberty : Network of liberty oriented doctors

Medicine & Liberty
Sentier de la Tour-Carrée 9
CH-1800 Vevey - Switzerland
Tel & fax: 41 21 922 60 82



  • AAPS 75th Annual Meeting 2018

    October 3-6 2018

    Save the date for AAPS's 75th anniversary meeting in Indianapolis. Registration open at


  • Med-Econ Socratic Seminar 2017

    June 10, 2017

    This Med-Econ socratic seminar was organized in patnership with the Liberal Institute on June 9-10, 2017 at the Hostellerie Bon Rivage, La Tour-de-Peilz (Switzerland). It enabled a multidisciplinary group of participants from various backgrounds (physicians, academics & other professionals) to discuss ethics and economics in modern healthcare.



  • Socratic Seminar on Medicine & Economy

    October 23-24.2015

    This socratic seminar organized by MedLib at the Chateau Mercier, Sierre in partnership with  the Liberal institute, brought together a multidisicplinary and multigenerational group of 18 participants for a rich discussion of issues linked to liberty, economics and the medical mission. Francis Richard's blog wonderfully describes the event.

    To Francis Richard's Blog


  • ESL 2015 Conference Berlin

    April 18, 2015

    European Students for Liberty held their 2015 annual conference in Berlin. "Opening Boarders" was the main theme of discussion. No better and  inspiring venue for such a topic than post-1989 Berlin! The event counted Tom Palmer, Pierre Bessard, Frederic Jollien, Christian Michel and many other illustrious freedom speakers and was thoroughly enjoyed by all those present.



  • Round table on clinical trials & tranparency

    September 16, 2013

    Maastricht University Brussels hosted a Pugatch Consilium roundtable on‘Clinical trials and data transparency – the Public Interest case’.


    Speakers included Professors Meir Pugatch, David Taylor, Atholl Johnson, as well as Douglas Lippoldt of the OECD, Dr Alphonse Crespo & Dr Alex Wyke. A strong case was made for data-sharing designs that do not discourage RD nor hinder access to innovation.

    Read more


  • ISIL MPL Conference Pully

    August 23, 2013

    ISIL held its 2013 International Conference in Pully, Lausanne in partnership with the Swiss Movement for Liberty.

    Left to right: Dr Alphonse Crespo, Dr Mary Ruwart, Prof. Ken Schooland


    The event featured prominent liberty minded thinkers and entrepreneurs. A health care session featuring Mary Ruwart, Ken Schooland, Frederic Roeder and Alphonse Crespo included topics such as free market revolution in Georgian healthcare, the deadly side effects of FDA regulations and the case for compensation of organ donors. Emerging tools to advance on the road to freedom of choice and self ownership in medical care were explored.


  • Institut Turgot Health Care Seminars

    April 17, 2011

    The Institut Turgot  held a seminar on health care systems for the 21st Century on April 12th in Paris.


    Henri Lepage


    Discussions hinged around Prof. Clayton Christensen's "The Innovator's Prescription : A Disruptive Solution to the Healthcare Crisis." They were conducted by Louis-Marie Bachelot président of "Alternative Libérale" and Henri Lepage (photo ) president  of  the Institut Turgot and included speakers such as Drs Guy André Pelouze and Alphonse Crespo


  • The Future of our Healthcare Systems

    March 7, 2011

    Conference Rotary Club of Leman-Thonon


    Dr Alphonse Crespo - Prof. Victoria Curzon Price

    The dynamics of medical progress vs. the challlenge of aging health care systems


  • European Resource Bank Meeting in London

    September 19, 2010

    The 7th European Resource Bank Meeting held in London Sep 8-10, 2010 enabled free market oriented institutes to exchange on a wide variety of issues that ranged from taxes to health care.


    Lord Forsyth and Arthur Laffer gave banquet speeches. Lady Margaret Thatcher (here with Alphonse Crespo) honoured the ERBM Gala dinner at Guild Hall.


  • AAPS National Doctors Tea Party in Salt Lake CIty

    September 18, 2010

    AAPS Doctor's tea party held in Salt Lake City, Sept 18th  enabled doctors who care for patients, take a strong public stand  for nullification of US health legislation doomed to spawn bureaucracies that will manage suffering human individuals as cattle.

    Dr Jacques Chaoulli (left) succesfully challenged the anticonstitutionality of Canada's Universal Health Care system. He explained the moral reasons that pushed him to fight that battle. Andrew Schlafly (right) leads AAPS's legal battle to invalidate the new massive US health care bill.



  • ATLAS Liberty Forum 09 in Los Angeles

    April 29, 2009

               Vicente Fox                                               Jorge Quiroga

    Two former presidents, Vicente Fox of Mexico and Jorge Quiroga of Bolivia spoke at the Atlas 2009 Liberty Forum in Los Angeles. .

    Bart Madden, Scott Riccio, Alphonse Crespo

    Strategies to Develop Free-Market Medicine were discussed at the  event  (see video). Panelists  Scott Riccio, Alphonse Crespo and Waldemar Ingdahl made a case for patient-driven access to innovation as proposed by  Bart Madden's "dual tracking" concept.

  • Lessons from Abroad: An IPN-Galen Conference in Washington DC

    March 9, 2009

    Prof. Schlander


    Prof. Michael Schlander of the University of Heidelberg  (member of Medicine & Liberty's MedECON academic board) explained how comparative effectiveness systems can increase health spending. He warned  against  formulaic approaches to health decision making that violate social value judgments about human life. Dr. Alphonse Crespo described how mandatory insurance introduced in 1994 pushed Switzerland from an access oriented health system to one dominated by cost-containment and occult rationing. Speakers included Prof. Karol Sikora, Dr Valentin Petkantchin and others.


    To full package of conference materials & webcast


  • When Ethics go Hand in Hand with Profits: Dr Ouimet at the Zurich Polytechnicum

    March 3, 2009

    Nicoleta Acatrinei who joined Medicine & Liberty as its Ethics in Economics research felow, invited Dr J.-Robert Ouimet, an unusual Canadian entrepreneur to speak on the role of spirituality in successful business practice at an event hosted by Zürich's renowned Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) on Tuesday 3 March 2009.

    Nicoleta Acatrinei & Dr. J-Robert Ouimet


    Dr Ouimet explained to a dazzled audience how a spritual approach to management and respect of human values can enhance productivity and competitive profits. Dr Ouimet whose family business "Ouimet - Cordon Bleu International - Tomasso" is worth $300 million in the food industry, also received a magna cum laude for his PhD at the University of Fribourg. He currently leads Our Project an experimental and innovative venture designed to expand and implement moral and spiritual values in business and industry management.



  • Ethics of Capitalism educational course: Certification event at the New Economic School in Tbilisi

    March 1, 2009

    At an event held on March 1st 2009 in Tbilisi, the New Economic School of Georgia awarded certificates to students who successfuly completed the Educational Course on THE ETHICS OF CAPITALISM. Dr Alphonse Crespo who  had lectured for the course was guest speaker at the certification event.  He spoke on the role and limits of insurance in medical care.


  • Conferences at the New Economic School in Tbilisi

    December 11, 2008

    The New Economic School of Georgia (NESG)


    staged a meeting  on the Future of Georgian Healthcare in Tbilisi December 11th in partnership with Medicine & Liberty.  Georgian private hospital directors, members of local NGO's and government health policy officials discussed Georgia's hospital privatization process with Paata Shesheitze, president of NESG and Dr Alphonse Crespo executive director of Medicine & Liberty. The professional training and exchange program for Georgian private hospital managers, currently explored by NESG and MedLib was well received by  participants. A survey  on this project will be launched in January 2009. On December 12th, NES organized a visit of  Tbilisis's newest Aversi private clinic (read our Vox Medici commentary), before hosting a conference by Dr Alphonse Crespo on markets and  medical care for the poor.




  • Georges Lane & Jacques Garello present their latest work in Paris

    December 2, 2008

    Georges Lane & Jacques Garello*

    *Source: Blog de Georges Lane


    Georges Lane member of MedECON's Academic Board and Jacques Garello, president of ALEPS presented the second volume of their book "Les Retraites du futur: la capitalisation" in Paris December 2, 2008. The event, organized by Contribuables Associés, ALEPS and IREF included a panel featuring MedECON board members Victoria Curzon Price and Pierre Bessard.



  • 1st Med ECON Conference in Geneva: A new model for patient driven access to innovation

    November 7, 2008

    The availability of new medicines is constrained by lengthy administrative approval processes and by cost-containment policies once a drug is approved. Medicine & Liberty's 1st MedECON* conference in Geneva, discussed  "Dual Tracking" a new institutional concept promoting patient choice and accelerated access to pharmaceutical innovation designed by Bartley Madden, independent US researcher and keynote speaker at the event. The "Dual Tracking" model presented at the conference, is relevant not only to economists and physicians but also to all those confronted with chronic or life-threatenig illness. It is also crucial to those who seek therapeutic solutions to the problem of orphan diseases.



    Gabriel Calzada, Loredana D'Amato, Bartley Madden                      Alphonse Crespo


    Following Bart Madden's presentation of his innovative concept, panelists  discussed the damaging effects of the precautionary principle (Prof. Calzada), new developments in patient information networks on rare & orphan diseases (Dr D'Amato Sizonenko) and drug regulatory processes seen under the light of public choice theory (Prof. Curzon Price). The round table was chaired by Philip Stevens, director of policy at the International Policy Network, London.


    Philip Stevens, Alphonse Crespo, Victoria Curzon Price


    A french edition of  Bart Madden's "Dual Tracking: More Choices, Better Health" produced by Medicine & Liberty was presented by Dr Alphonse Crespo founder and executive director of Medicine & Liberty.

    read more

  • CMPI Conference on Physician Disempowerment in Washington DC

    October 14, 2008

    The Center for Medicine in the Public Interest hosted on October 14 in Washington DC, "Physician Disempowerment: A Transatlantic Malaise," a conference on how cost-based government-run health care impinges on the practice of medicine. Dr. François Sarkozy, keynote speaker exposed challenges that face the future of healthcare in France and outlined possible solutions. Panelists included, Jacob Afwerdson (Sweden), Dr Alphonse Crespo (Switzerland), Tim Evans (UK) & others. A CMPI publication including an essay by Dr Crespo on The Hazards of Harassing Doctors  was distributed at the conference.

    Read CMPI's Full Conference Reports





    TO ALL EVENTS 2008

  • Pierre Lemieux on the Economics of State Failures - Geneva

    September 29, 2008

    Professor Lemieux


    Pierre Lemieux member of MedECON's academic board, gave a conference on the costs of government failures at a  launch of his latest book "Comprendre l'économie", in Geneva on September 29.






     EVENTS 2008

  • From Beijing

    September 14, 2008

    Phiip Stevens and Alphonse Crespo spoke in September to Chinese academics and health policy analysts at Beijing' Renmin University and at the China Health Economics Institute.  The meetings were  directed by Professor Mao Shoulong, Dean of Academic policy and by Dr Zhao Hongwen MD from Peking University Medical Selence Center. China currently faces debate between communist advocates of a single provider national health service and reformers in favor of a competititve and differenciated insurance-based model.


                   Dr Crespo                                            Phiip Stvens, Huang Aili, Mao Shoulong Alphonse Crespo 


  • AAPS 65th Annual Meeting September 10-13,2008

    September 10, 2008

    The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, is the leading medical force in the defense of liberty and ethics in American healthcare. Innovative alternatives to regulated care and government medicine were presented by prominent american physicians at its annual conference in Phoenix, Az. Sept 10-13. Expanding forms of patient centered medical services such as concierge practice were notably discussed. Dr Alphonse Crespo's banquet speech described change of paradigms in European medicine and beyond, that will lead to the abandonment of obsolete Bismarckian and Beveridgian health care models.