Medicine & Liberty : Network of liberty oriented doctors

Medicine & Liberty
Sentier de la Tour-Carrée 9
CH-1800 Vevey - Switzerland
Tel & fax: 41 21 922 60 82

Conferences Archive


  • GENEVA - July, 13 2011 - CMPI  Round table on "The challenges of chronic diseases in developing countries"
with Eric de Roodenbeke, Chief Executive of the International Hospital Federation. Experts present at this meeting stressed the he need to encourage therapeutic innovation in order to find cures to chronic disease not only in developing countries but in modern societies in general.

  • SALT LAKE CITY, Utah - September 16-19,2010 - AAPS 67th Annual Meeting
    Jacques Chaoulli and other medical freedom fighters proposed strategies to parry threats on medical care in the US and beyond as well as concrete ways to opt out of third party controlled medical practice.


  • LONDON - September 8-10, 2010 European Resource Bank Conference
    Incorporating the World TaxPayers’ Conference and the Free Market Roadshow and a seesion on "Campaigning for Heathcare Reform" including a panel featuring Alphonse Crespo. The Gala dinner was honored by the presence of Lady Margaret Thatcher


  • BRUSSELS - February 23, 2010 12:30pm - 2:30pm Stockholm Network conference followed by a Webinar March 10 at 2pm GMT Are your medicines safe? Speakers: Peter Pitts (CMPI-New York) , Gustavo de Freitas (Sao Paolo), Dr Alphonse Crespo (MedLib, Vevey) - Co-ordinator: Meir Pugatch (Stockholm Network)

  • PARIS - January 21, 2010 7:30pm-9:30pm Institut Turgot conference on  New healthcare paradigms Venue: French NationalAssembly, 126 rue de l'Université, Paris Speakers: Dr Guy-André Pelouze & Dr Alphonse Crespo, Moderator: Henri Lepage

  • Los Angeles - April 24-26, 2009: Atlas Liberty Forum. Share ideas on how to build freer societies and learn from other friends of liberty.    Info

  • Fairfax Va. - August 9-21, 2009: Atlas Think Tank MBA Course : For think-tank managers who wish to improve organizational skills and meet like minded intellectual entrepreneurs from other parts of the world.  Info